Valentin al freddo e al gelo
Scritto da pieru il 01 Dic 2007 alle 10:50 pm | Archiviato in: Varie
Come ogni inverno anche quest’anno ritorna Valentin con un mail dal testo strappalacrime:
My name is Valentin. I have 25 years and I am student. I live with my mother in small town in Russia. My mother have problem with eyes and can not see.
I work very hard to buy things of primary necessities for us, but my salary is very small.
During last months prices for gas, oil and electricity became very high and we can not use it to heat our home anymore. We have winter and weather very cold here already. We do not know what to do and we very afraid.
The only way for us to heat our home is to use portable wood burning stove which give heat with burning wood. We have many wood in our region, therefore this stove will heat our home all winter with minimal charges. But we cannot buy this stove in our local market because my salary is very small.
Thanks to free internet in our library and library computer I finded several addreses and decided to ask for help.
May be you have any old sleeping bag, I will be very grateful to you if you donate it for us and send its to our address. I will give it to my mother so she can be in warm
Please let me know if you can help and I will give you our address.
Sono anni ormai che l’infaticabile produttore di spam intasa le caselle email di tutto il mondo, pare che abbia una particolare predilezione per gli italiani perchè questi tendono a commuoversi facilmente e ad abboccare all’appello del messaggio.
E’ tutto falso, il sedicente Valentin è soltanto un esperto informatico che approfitta in modo decisamente meschino del buon cuore della gente. Sbuggiardato efficacemente da Paolo Attivissimo.