Nell’ondata di spam natalizio ho trovato questo messaggio che mi ha fatto ridere per la … faccia tosta: se non altro ammette di essere uno spammer 🙂


Dear MAN
Yes, you’ve got spam mail!
Sorry for this kind of trouble, but it’s the only way to inform all civilization about the real situation in global economy.
Millions of people had lost their job!!!
Millions of people have no even constant home and profits!!!
It is global problem of humanity! And each of us should understand that for solving this trouble one needs to insert the brain and begin to act!
If you are reading these words – it is really matter for you what could happen to you, to your children and friends.
Let me tell you about ways of solving financial crisis problems:
First way – just listen and believe in endless promises of help from your government.
Second way – wait for financial crisis ending (may be tomorrow or in a few couple of years). I don’t know, I am not foreteller.
Third way – get knowledge and information about real situation in global financial market and use it for elimination of mistakes.
I can’t tell you more right now ‘cause I’m an ordinary manager in advertising and my responsibility is reporting to you that it is really necessary to fight against the crisis! ONE CANNOT DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!
Write me and I’ll give you contacts of people who are not slipping right now and trying to change this world in better way.

My personal e-mail: ***spammer***
Mary Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Best regards